Monday, November 16, 2015



 There are many ways we can prepare for the Saviors second coming.  One of them is to know the sign so we are not deceived or fall prey.  Mark 13 is an excellent chapter to study on what we need to watch for:
  1. Men who say they are Christ but are not – false Christs v. 6
  2. Nations will rise against nations  v. 8
  3. Natural disasters v. 8
  4. Famines v. 8
  5. Those that testify of truth or stand up for the truth will be persecuted v. 9
  6. The gospel will be preached to all the world first  v. 10
  7. Family members betraying and killing one another, children rising up against their parents. v. 12
  8. Afflictions that were not in the beginning of the creation
  9. False prophets and Christ’s who will show signs and wonders to persuade and seduce the elect.
These are prophesies given to us to protect us in the last days.  

“Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24: 3-4

We need to study, keep the commandments, be faithful, listen to our prophet, endure to the end, and gain our own testimonies so we are not deceived.

“...Unless every member of this Church gains for himself an unshakable testimony of the divinity of this Church, he will be among those who will be deceived in this day when the ‘elect according to the covenant’ are going to be tried and tested. Only those will survive who have gained for themselves that testimony.”  (Harold B Lee, Oct 1950)

When we study and read our scriptures we find truths that are taught to us about how we are to prepare for the Second coming of Jesus Christ.  Here are just a few. I encourage you to dig into your scriptures and add to this list:
  1. Stand in holy places and be unmovable  D&C 87:8
  2. Treasure up the Gospel  Matt 1:37 (JST)
  3. Always be watching, keep the commandments and repent always so you will be ready for the second coming Matt 1:46-50 (JST)
  4. Be faithful, pray always, and always have your ‘lamps’ full D&C 33:17
  5. Have the Holy Ghost as your guide, accept the truth D&C 45:56-57

Luke 21: 36 “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

 Just an excellent video/slide show showing showing both how the Lord prepared this land for the coming of the Gospel and the signs we are to experience before the 2nd coming of Christ.

Excellent talk by Elder Oaks Talking about the signs we need to watch for

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