Thursday, September 17, 2015

Names and Titles of the Savior & His Birth 9/17/2015

Jesus the Christ has many names he has gone by.  Many of the names are titles that possess definitive meaning and are of scriptural occurrence.  For example:

Emmanuel, Savior, Redeemer, Only Begotten Son, Lord, Son of God, Son of Man, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Stem of Jesse, Mighty One of Jacob, Servant of the Lord, Lord our Righteousness, the Messenger of the Covenant, Redeemer, Holy One, Holy One of Israel, Blessed of God, son of David, son of Abraham and many more.

 Many of those names come from the Old Testament, though a few on the list are from other scriptures. 

I will attempt to explain where some of his more common names, that we know him by, came from.


Given name at the time of his circumcision.Angel Gabrial appeared to Joseph and told him what to name the baby. 

From the Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles
(Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1933),   Jesus came into the English language from Middle English, which was adapted from the Latin Jesus.  Jesus had been adapted from the Greek as Jesous and then the Hebrew Yehoshua and an earlier root from Joshua. Joshua is derived from Jah or Jahveh which means “Jehovah is salvation.”

The Webster’s New 20th Century Dictionary of the English Language  says that the Latin-Greek derivation from the Hebrew Joshua means literally, “help of Jehovah.” Webster’s  also says that the word Jesus means “God is help.”

Joshua, in it's original form literally means "Help of Jehovah", "Savior-Deliver," or "Jeohovah is Salvation."
Just by studying the name "Jesus" you can see where some of his other titles have originated from.


The name Christ is a sacred title and not a normal common name.

Greek derivation with the meaning identical with its Hebrew equivalent Messiah or Messias, which means "the anointed one."

Comes from the English-speaking world from Middle English, derived from the Latin Christus.  In Greek it would be Christos which meant “the Anointed” or “to Anoint”.

Jesus was his given name and Christ was his title therefore  “Jesus the Christ.”


Greek derivation with the meaning identical with its Hebrew equivalent Messiah or Messias, which means the anointed one.  In Aramaic the word means the anointed.  To the Jews it meant King and Deliverer.


The covenant or proper name of the God of Israel, one who is unchangeable, alsoSelf-Existent One or The Eternal.  Written in the Old Testament as "Lord" in capital letters.

According to ancient Jewish practice, the name Jehovah was not to be spoken out of fear of incurring wrath from God.

Jehovah is the premortal Jesus Christ.

Immanuel or Emmanuel

Title possessing a definitive meaning and is of scriptural occurrence. Means God with us. In Isaiah it was a name-title as a sign of God’s deliverance. 

The Word

Jesus was given the assignment from God to do God’s work.  He put the will, commandments, and the word into effect.  He is also called “The Word of my Power.” (Moses 1:32)

Sources used for above are the Institute Manual “The Life and Teachings of Jesus and his Apostles” and an excellent talk by G. Homer Durham called “Jesus the Christ, The Words and Their Meaning” April 1984 and "The Bible Dictionary."


 Others Who Learned of the Birth of Jesus Christ

How they learned about the Savior
What they knew about the Savior
What they did with their knowledge
Elisabeth (Luke 1:39-45)
Mary came to visit, John leaped in Elizabeth’s belly, then the Holy Ghost bore witness who Mary was carrying.
Mary is the mother. The babe “The Lord is her Lord”
Expressed it to Mary with a loud voice
Shepherds (Luke 2:8-18)
Angel of the Lord
Born in the city of David. Savior of the world. Would be wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger
Went with hast to Bethlehem to see the Christ child.
Simeon (Luke 2:25-35)
Holy Ghost said he would not taste death until he saw the Christ Child. The spirit told him to go to the temple where he saw him when the parents brought him in to be named.
Light to lighten gentiles.  Set for the fall and rising of Israel
Went to the temple and held Christ and blessed him
Anna (Luke 2:36-38)
Saw him in the temple
Give redemption in Jerusalem
Gave thanks to the Lord
Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)

Read prophet’s words. Saw a star in the sky
Come to govern and ruler of the people
Went to Herod to check it out.  Followed the star to Bethlehem. Rejoiced and fell and worshiped him and presented him with gifts.  Listened to the spirit and did not return to Herod
Herod (Matthew 2:1-18)
Wise-men, Chief Priests & Scribes

 Would be born in Bethlehem. Be governor that would rule the people in Israel
Sent the wise-men with instructions to come back and report.
Chief Priests (Matthew 2:1-6)
Wise-men, studied writings of prophets
Be governor that would rule the people in Israel
Told Herod of their findings.
Nephites (3 Nephi 1:12-22)
Prophesy from Nephi son of Helaman whom the Lord told during prayer.
He would fulfill all things which he had made known to the children and fulfill all the prophets words.
Saw the signs and fell to the earth, some appeared as if they were dead. Eventually many explained away the signs and did not believe. 

  Excellent Videos


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