Thursday, November 12, 2015

Overview of the Last Week of the Savior’s Mortal Ministry

 Day 1 

 Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:29-44, John 12:12-19

  • Jesus arrived in Jerusalem
  • He secured a donkey and a colt
  • He rode through the city gates into Jerusalem
  • People greeted him as the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee, placed palm branches in his way and greeted Him shouting hosanna
  • He went to the temple, saw what was happening and retired to Bethany  

Day 2

  Matthew 21:12-16, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 19:43-48
  • Went to the temple early in the morning
  • Challenged the Jewish religious leadership
  • Cleared the outer temple courts by driving out those who were trading and making money exchange.
  • Made it clear that “My house shall be called the house of prayer”
  • Accused them of making the temple a den of thieves
  • In evening returned to Bethany  

 Day 3

 Matthew 21- 26 Mark 11 -14 Luke 20-22
  • Came to the temple
  • Priests challenged Jesus: “By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?”
  • Jesus responds by relating a series of parables that offended the Jewish leaders. (Parable of the two sons, the Wicked Husbandmen, Royal Marriage Feast, Tribute to Ceasar, Great Commandment.”
  • Scribes and Pharisees challenge him again
  • Jesus openly denounces them and condemns as hypocrites.
  • Jewish leaders consult how they might bring about Jesus’ death before the Passover and how to avoid a riot if they did.
  • Judas Iscariot offers to betray Christ

Day 4

  • Jesus knew of the plot.
  • Spent the day outside of the city, maybe Bethany

Day 5 

 Matthew 26:17-46, Mark 14: 12-42, Luke 22:7-46, John 13, 17 & 18
  • Made arrangements for the Passover meal for Him & the 12 to be in a private home
  • Jesus Washes the Apostles feet
  • Jesus introduces the Sacrament
  • Prophesies his death and who would betray Him
  • Judas leaves
  • Jesus offers intercessory prayer with the 11 Apostles left
  • Jesus leads the 11 to Gethsemane
  • Jesus takes Peter, James, & John with him into the Garden
  • Peter, James and John are left and he goes off by himself to pray
  • Christ pleads to Heavenly Father “let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
  • Jesus partakes of cup and suffers the pain of all men, where the agony was so excruciating he bleed from every pore.
  • Rejoins with his apostles and tells them the betrayer is at hand
  • Armed band led by Judas approaches Jesus to seize Him.
  • Jesus submits without resistance.
  • Jesus is brought to an illegal trial that night.

Day 6 

  Matthew 26: 47-75 & 27: 1-61 Mark 14:43-72 & 15:1-47, Luke 22:47-71 & 23:1-56, John 18 & 19
  • Jewish leaders not content with just putting Jesus to death but also wanted to discredit him before his own people.
  • Jewish leaders wanted him charged with two crimes:
    • Blasphemy
      • Capital offense under Jewish law
      • He was unanimously convicted solely on the evidence that he had said he was the Son of God
      • Rulers could not carry out the death sentence, only the Roman governor so they needed a political indictment
    • Political indictment of sedation against the state for claiming to be “king of the Jews”
      • Pilate found Jesus guiltless of the charge
      • Jewish leaders incited the crowd to “destroy Jesus”
      • Fearing a demonstration, Pilate gave in and pronounced death sentence
  • Jesus executed by crucifixion
  • Jesus gives up his spirit willingly
  • Jewish leaders insist the body be removed before the Sabbath and buried in a sealed tomb.   

Day 7 (Jewish Sabbath)

  • Body remains in the tomb
  • Guards are placed at the tomb  Matthew 27:62-66
  • His spirit ministers in the realm of departed spirits (1 Peter 3:18-20)

Day of Resurrection  

 Matthew 28:1-15, Mark 16:1-13, Luke 24: 1-32, John 20: 1-18
  •  Jesus is resurrection
  • He is seen by Mary Magdalene and other women
  • Mary tells Peter and John
  • Two Disciples see the Savior while en route to Emmaus
  • He is seen by many witnesses
  • Chief Priests told of Resurrection by Guards

The Savior was the first person to be resurrected on this earth.  He broke the bands of death and made it possible for everyone to live again and to have our spirits reunited with our bodies.  This is the most memorable Sunday in history.  We call this the “GOOD NEWS.”
When the resurrected Lord appeared to His Apostles he said “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hat not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.” (Luke 24:39)  He wanted them to understand that he now had a body of flesh and bones.  He wanted them to understand that his body and his spirit was reunited again.

Why Resurrection?

Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, we are subject to physical death meaning that our spirit separates from our body.  It took the Atonement and Resurrection of Christ to break the consequences of Adam’s fall.
Resurrection is a free gift from our Savior Jesus Christ.  All people will be resurrected and saved from physical death meaning our spirits and our bodies will again reunite and no longer be subject to disease or death.

What next?

Resurrection is a free gift to all.  Everyone, good bad or indifferent will be resurrected.  But it is our choice whether we inherit exaltation in the Celestial kingdom.  What level of glory we receive in the hereafter will depend on our faithfulness.
Alma 11: 41-43 says that at the time of the resurrection, we will “be judged according to our works...We shall be brought to stand before God, knowing even as we know now, and have a bright recollection of all our guilt.”

Do you want to live in the Celestial Kingdom?  Then you must come unto Christ and partake of the fullness of His gospel.

I encourage you to study and understand what Christ did for his, his life, his atonement, and the resurrection.  Gaining a testimony of Christ and of his resurrection will give you hope and perspective as you experience the trials, challenges, and triumphs of this life.  It will give you hope that you will see your loved ones again. It will give you hope that you will live again.  It gives us an assurance that there is a plan, a plan for our good.

Through Christ’s Atonement,  “he breaketh the bands of death, that the grave shall have no victory, and that the sting of death should be swallowed up in the hopes of glory” Alma 22:14

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