Tuesday, October 27, 2015


What does it mean and what must I do to be a 

In Luke 10:38-42 we learn                                                                   

    • We must receive Him in our home
    • We are not to worry about temporal things           
    • We need to listen to Him and “Hear Him” 
Luke 11:1-13 we learn
    • When we pray we begin with "Our Father"
    • Pray for God's will and not our own
    • Pray for our needs
    • Pray for forgiveness
    • Pray for the strength to stay away from temptation 
    • Pray that we may forgive others
    • Ask for enlightenment
    • Ask for knowledge on those things we seek to know
    • We learn that if we ask and we seek we will find                             
Luke 12:12-40
    • We need to beware of covetousness
    • We need to lay up our treasure in heaven and not here on this earth
    • Put our life in God’s hands and trust Him
    • Seek for the Kingdom of God
    • Where your treasure is your heart is.  Your actions reflect where your heart truly is at.
    • Be ready for the Lord at all times because you never know when he comes again.
Luke 13:23-24
    • Constantly be striving to enter into Heaven
Luke 14:16-33
    • Come unto Christ and do all he asks without making excuses.
    • Bear your trials honorably
    • Build a strong foundation of a testimony then keep building onto it so you can withstand the pressures of the world.
    • Forsake all of our sins to be with Christ
 The list appears to be long but really in the end he is asking us to “Come Unto Him.” When we truly come unto Christ our actions will show it, we will trust Him, serve others, seek repentance, pray to Him, and do what he asks of us.

Can you find something on this list that you could do better at?  In looking over the list for myself I see many things I could do better.  I could be more willing to put my life in His hands and trust Him more and learn to bear my trials honorably, seeking what I could learn and grow from those trials.

So ultimately what is required of us to be a 
Luke 14:33, Omni 1:26 & Mosiah 2:34 all say the same thing  


This scripture says it best
“...ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of His salvation, and the power of His redemption. Yea, come unto Him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto Him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end, and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.” Omni 1:26

Excellent Talks - click on the links to listen to them.

The Cost and Blessings of discipleship by Holland 

Christlike love is the greatest need we have on this planet in part because righteousness was always supposed to accompany it... Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world...Be strong. Live the gospel faithfully even if others around you don’t live it at all. Defend your beliefs with courtesy and with compassion, but defend them.

 The way of the Disciple by Uchtdorf

 The gospel is the way of discipleship. As we walk in that way, we can experience confidence and joy—even during times of peril, sorrow, and uncertainty...The more we fill our hearts and minds with the message of the risen Christ, the greater our desire is to follow Him and live His teachings. This, in turn, causes our faith to grow and allows the light of Christ to illuminate our hearts. As it does, we recognize the imperfections in our lives, and we desire to be cleansed of the depressing burdens of sin. We yearn for freedom from guilt, and this inspires us to repent. Faith and repentance lead to the purifying waters of baptism, where we covenant to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ and walk in His footsteps. To uphold us in the desire to lead a purified and holy life, we are endowed with the baptism of fire—the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, a heavenly Comforter who accompanies and guides us as we walk in the path of righteousness. The more we are filled with the Spirit of God, the more we extend ourselves to others. We become peacemakers in our homes and families, we help our fellowmen everywhere, and we reach out in merciful acts of kindness, forgiveness, grace, and long-suffering patience. These are the first steps along the true way of life and fulfillment. This is the peaceable way of the follower of Jesus Christ.

  Being a Disciple of Christ President Romney 

 “He that receiveth my law and doeth it, the same is my disciple; and he that saith he receiveth it and doeth it not, the same is not my disciple, and shall be cast out from among you.” [D&C 41:5]

A video on Becoming a True Disciple of Christ

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